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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Software used by organizations for managing their day-to-day activities.


It is an integrated suite of applications that helps businesses automate and manage their processes across various functions, including finance, human resources, supply chain, manufacturing, procurement, and more.

The primary goal of ERP is to streamline processes and information across the organization, providing a unified platform for data and facilitating seamless communication between different departments.

ERP Modules

Finance and Accounting

Manages financial transactions, budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.

Human Resources (HR)

Handles employee information, payroll, benefits administration, recruitment, and performance management.

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Manages the end-to-end supply chain, including procurement, inventory management, logistics, and order fulfillment.


Covers production planning, scheduling, quality control, and maintenance.

Sales and Distribution

Manages sales processes, order processing, pricing, and distribution channels.

Customer Relationship Management

Focuses on managing customer interactions, sales leads, and marketing campaigns.

Project Management

Assists in planning, tracking, and managing projects, including resource allocation and project costing.

Business Intelligence (BI)

Provides tools for data analysis, reporting, and decision support.

Warehouse Management

Controls and optimizes warehouse processes, including inventory management and order fulfillment.


Integrated System

ERP integrates various business processes and functions into a single, cohesive system. This integration eliminates data silos, enhances data accuracy, and provides a unified view of organizational information.

Centralized Database

ERP systems use a centralized database to store and manage data from different departments. This ensures consistency, reduces data redundancy, and facilitates real-time reporting and analysis.


ERP software is modular, with each module addressing specific business functions. Common modules include Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, Sales and Distribution, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).


ERP systems can be customized to meet the specific needs and processes of an organization. This adaptability is crucial to accommodate industry-specific requirements and unique business processes.


Automation of routine tasks is a key feature of ERP. This includes automating workflows, data entry, and approval processes, reducing manual intervention and minimizing the risk of errors.

Real-Time Reporting

ERP systems provide real-time reporting and analytics, allowing businesses to make informed decisions based on up-to-date information. Customizable dashboards and reports enable users to monitor key performance indicators and track business metrics.


ERP systems incorporate robust security measures to protect sensitive business data. Access controls, encryption, and authentication mechanisms help ensure that only authorized personnel can access specific information.


ERP solutions are designed to scale with the growth of an organization. As businesses expand, add new products, or enter new markets, the ERP system can be easily adapted to accommodate increased data volume and complexity.


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iQ-Things focuses on IoT and Machine Learning technologies to provide Smart solutions that improve operational efficiencies in organizations.


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+254 733 792 210


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